KILLROOM ● 03.25.2023 [HAMILTON]


Incredible night with an incredible venue


It finally happened.  The highly anticipated visit to the The Killroom!

A venue we've grown to love even without stepping foot inside. Not only do they feature some of the hottest bands in the indie punk tour circuit in central Canada but they also harbour the love and dedication to provide safe space to be who you want to be. A judgement free zone, where kids, adults and everyone in between can meet to skate and play music. 

This DIY venue has gone above and beyond by providing clear rules on respecting the diversity of the patrons and safety signs to help those in need.The owners were warm and welcoming, and worked hard to keep everything running smoothly from sound to promotion. 

The venue had fantastic sound, vibrant lights as the bands performed in the center of the skatepark! Oh what magic ! If only we could have something like this here in Toronto. That's something to work towards. I spoke briefly with a regular, her whole family come to shows, her husband a photographer and the kids in the middle of the mosh pit. 

As a band, The Killroom is one of the best places to play at. What's better than skateboarding while you play a set? Not many things. 

Bare Minimum started the night and they're explosive. Performing originals and a few covers, the band was a perfect start to a perfect night. Setting the bar high and getting the crowd pumped, the band immediately kicked off with a high-energy, in-your-face punk rock style attitude. When you didn't think they could get cooler, they started playing Whiplash by Metallica - One of my favourite songs and a crowd favourite, the room went nuts. Now as a band that has a few covers in their setlist, one of our biggest fears is another band also having that same cover in their setlist.. so when the band asked the crowd "Do you want a Misfits cover?!" Jack (Drums in Black Budget) and I looked at each other in fear. When they followed up with "Last Caress, or Where Eagles Dare?!" I immediately heard Jack scream "LAST CARESS!! WE HAVE WHERE EAGLES DARE ON OUR SET". LOL! Being the coolest guys ever, Bare Minimum went into Last Caress. Whew! That was close. 

Second on the bill were the desert punk band Black Budget! This was their first time performing live with Sean, their newest bass player. Sean killed it, the crowd gave Sean the best welcome! This was an insane, high energy, sweaty set, where Pedro burned blisters onto his strumming hand for the first time ever.. Gross! The crowd went wild Pedro later said  "Honestly, there is no better feeling than watching people move as you play music, it's like no other feeling in the world". The crowd were 10/10, and this is a reason why The Killroom is one of Pedro's favourite venues to play at and he cannot wait to be back. 

Last but definitely not least, pop punk friends Lucid Smog Disorder. LSD always bring their "A" Game, Jack is a natural frontman and leader that immediately has the crowd locked in, 100% focused on what is happening on the stage. The band mostly played new material throughout the night and as a fan of their first record, this new direction and style is very exciting. They are so tight, connected, and on-point live, and always look like they're having the time of their lives - which as a show-goer is the best. At one moment the band went into My Chemical Romance's Teenagers and the crowd went crazy. This song is an anthem for a generation and is such a great song to include in a setting like this. To wrap up their set, the band ends with their own anthem, "Misery" which is one of my favourite songs of theirs, and is the perfect end to a perfect night.

We visited The Killroom as a strangers and we left as friends. 

