Balkans indie rock spotlight


“ unique tones that layers over the pop indie rock sound 

This band is everything we miss about music a true gem. Discovered much too late, they have sadly since disbanded, and the lead singer has formed his own side projects, like playing for Deerhunter, and now playing in Omni.

This remarkable band  ended their career at the top of their game, after a sold out show in Atlanta. They've returned off and on from their hiatus to sell-out shows and hopefully they will return for good. The music has a rough and edgy sound that's reminiscent of the early 2000s indie rock scene, with clear influences from bands like The Strokes. The guitar tones, especially, sound like they are an homage to Albert Hammon Junior.

The vocals are distorted, and Frankie Boyle has a unique tones that layers over the pop indie rock sound. He sings without effort yet nails every note. That careless, loose feeling yet perfectly constructed melodies that rain through the song, make this one of our favourites, and we feel it has influenced bands like the Red Pears. The lo-fi quality shows that you do not need an expensive studio to make an amazing song; you just need passion, raw talent, and a willingness to experiment. We can only hope that more bands will follow in their footsteps and continue to push the boundaries of indie rock and punk rock.