
Stay At home dads, Lucid Smog Disorder, Sunlust

Saturday night, Critical Zero made their premier adventure to the Cameran House. New to the Toronto scene you may think you walked into the wrong venue with the right vibe. The mission's destination is found in the back room where you need to walk through a warm and cozy atmospheric space full of jazz and people fluttering around the dancefloor. 

We showed up right before the first break sadly missing  Weekend Goodbye, I was gutted we missed that band because they had a magnificate female bassist! It was a packed room and what I enjoyed most was how you are able to see the bands from any vantage point. We could already see familiar faces and many new ones too!

The sound was impeccable, with warm-toned bass and a snare that snapped. Props to the sound guy! Big thanks to the venue for providing water, it's much appreciated and well needed.

Every band had gorgeous merch stemming from vinyl to shirts and more. Serious bands playing serious music. We were excited for the night. Before Lucid Smog Disorder went on stage Pedro reminded me I needed to watch my own bag cause he was going to the Mosh Pit tonight. It was a reasonable request from my partner in crime.

The night's adventure began with Stay At Home Dads who completely destroyed the place. Fantastic singing from the lead singer and impeccable guitar playing from the guitarist. What stood out the most was the bassist he really was the cherry on the cake.

Next up was Lucid Smog Disorder, one of our local faves and we try to always catch a show. As always expect a top-quality performance, and I was absolutely delighted when they played Misery which is one of my favourite songs by them off their new album. Jack delighted the crowd by crowd surfing with his mic and the band kept the pace of excitement! Time blasted by and before I knew it was over. 

After a quick break, the excitement roared through the room as Sunlust took the stage. This band became known to us when Black Budget met them on tour with Stay At Home Dads on an Ontario Tour. I wasn't able to go however I heard rave reviews about this band from Pedro and Michael of Black Budget. I heard their latest release on Spotify and the lead singer Steph has one of the most unique voices, a total nostalgic sound of Riot girls-90s grunge era. The album's sound was tight and well produced. We loved it! 

Being extremely excited to hear them live; I went into this photo shoot with no strategy. Not by choice; I just ended up intertwined with the energy of the music, the band and the crowd. A whirlwind of adrenaline, praying the shots turned out as bounced around the room to a fantastic live show! It was incredible to hear some of my favourite songs by them live, especially "Year of the Rat" and "Action Figure"  The night ended with blood on the guitar from the lead singer and guitarist, as it splattered her guitar. 

This was a 5-star night! Thank you to the venue, the bands and the crowd for letting me capture the beauty of the moment and share it with the world.