
CONAN  ●  WILT  ● PALE MARE  ● Ol' TIme MOonshine

It’s been a while since we wrote a review. Lots of chaos happening but we are learning to multi-task our lives. There is always this subtle magic when going to a show at a venue like Lee’s Palace. As someone who grew up with MuchMusic, this venue was frequently mentioned in music news and this was also the same venue where Nirvana played on April 16 in 1990. You can read more about it here.  

Having the ability to see footage of live shows on MuchMusic gave kids like me a window to a world they could never access living on the East Coast. A place in your mind to dream about where bands frequently toured and excitement was always around the corner. This is what we hope to capture in our reviews and footage on TikTok 

Knowing that energy and spirit live within the walls of the venue that is painted by Al Runt really makes every show special. We have big thanks to our friends Ol’ Time Moonshine for bringing us along on this adventure.  

First up were our good friends Ol’ Time Moonshine. We’ve seen them live a few times and they always put on a great show; however, this was NEXT level. The sound was immaculate, the lighting was a spectacle that made the performance shine, and the band was so well-connected; they were a total unit. We were all around the stage taking videos and photos and going right next up to the bass amp might’ve given us tinnitus for a few days, but it was so worth it. Their set was filled with powerful riffs, and a vocal performance that blew the room away. If you find yourself looking for a great band to watch live, you better go to an Ol’ Time Moonshine show. 

After a very insane set, Pale Mare took the stage. UK metal platform Metal Hammer described them as “Sounding like Motörhead developing a penchant for doom.” They said it best folks, that is literally the best way to describe them. Pale Mare took us by surprise; we haven’t seen this band live before and I know it won’t be our last. They were so full of energy, and the tones . . . oh my god the TONES! The bassist was playing a right-handed bass while left-handed! The strings were flipped (you gotta see the photos on our Instagram!) and it was such a sight to see; it took my brain a moment to wrap around that. Then of course we were immediately blown away by the guitar. The guitar tones were so clean, in the dirtiest way possible. The band had just the right amount of reverb and delay, making a three-piece sound like an orchestra. The drummer was precision tight, with military accuracy. The vocals put it all together like glue. All three members know how to cover their entire frequency range in the chart. These guys KNOW tone, and I will definitely be messaging them to talk gear. 

By the end of this set, we were so pumped and ready for the rest of the night. After a well-earned in-between set beer, we saw Kris from AAWKS! You can always find a familiar face in a Toronto show; we are all a big family. 

Wilt took the stage shortly after. Their show kicked off with high energy, drum blast beats and a vocal performance that captured the room.  Their set was filled with a variety of sounds, going from fast blast beats to halftime. The entire room looked like one of those car dealership balloon guys moving back and forth in sync, it was a beautiful sight. You could tell this band has it together; they have a complete sound, eye-catching stage presence, and of course, their sound is so capturing. I strongly suggest catching Wilt live ASAP while they tour with Conan

Ah yes, all the way from the UK . . .  Conan. As described from their Instagram bio, the “UK-based caveman battle doom pioneers” were definitely an act that left the entire room with their jaws dropped. As soon as they went on stage, they doomed the crap out of the place (maybe even the entire city?). It was like standing in front of the best-sounding jet engine you can find. Such raw power from this three-piece; from clear acrylic guitars to rumbling bass it felt like the entire room was sharing a special moment. I went right by the bass amp and felt myself getting absorbed in the sound.  

What an incredible lineup! This night had everything you want from a doom-metal show. It was a great show, and all the boxes that make a great night were checked. Leaving Lee’s Palace we beamed with excitement! Excited about the music and the footage, we ended the trip with our favourite after-venue treat post-show souvlaki!

Until next time!  

Pedro + Rebel
Edit by Matt Yuyitung